I left the house today intending to get some sort of non-diary milk at our local United Grocery Outlet. I found all sorts of neat deals, like 2# organic carrots for 99cents, Horizon Organic milk boxes 3/$1 and these great chicken sausages for $1.99.
I left the store with a full cart of food for $87. I was so excited about my finds that I completely forgot about my sole intention of getting milk for my morning coffee.
A rainy cold Sunday is sleepy weather, and I didn’t have the energy to go back out to town. I looked around my kitchen and saw oats. Ohhh, oats can make oat milk! However, they are a bit carby. What else do I have that can be made into milk? Pumpkin seeds…the recipes for those required overnight soaking. I want to make the milk now. Hemp hearts? Yep I have some of those and no soaking. I found a recipe that called for ½ C hemp hearts to 4 C water. Into the blender for a minute and out comes hemp milk.

Which tastes like, umm, hemp, and not the addition to coffee that I was seeking out. Plus it wasn’t thick enough. It needed a sweeter addition, and I decided that oats would help. I put the hemp milk back into the blender and I added 1 C of rolled oats. I strained it into a mason jar, and now have an adequate milk for my morning coffee. It isn't perfect but it will get me through the next couple of days and it used up some of what I already had.
Hemp Oat Milk RECIPE

1/2 C Hemp Hearts
1 C Rolled Oats (probably didn't need a full cup)
4 C purified water
Add ingredients to blender, and blend on medium for 1 minute. Strain if desired. (Since mine will be used in coffee, I wanted something more smooth.)